Iron Deficiency Anemia Facts and Statistics: What You Need to Know - Verywell Health
Approximately 30% of the global population has iron deficiency anemia, with women and children being the most affected. According to research from 1999 to 2018, the rates of iron deficiency anemia and mortality (death) associated with the condition have continued to rise in the United States. This article discusses how common iron deficiency anemia is, who is the most affected, and the associated mortality rates. dragana991 / Getty Images Iron Deficiency Anemia Overview Iron deficiency anemia is a blood disorder that develops when a person's blood doesn't have enough red blood cells. The cause of this form of anemia is a lack of iron (iron deficiency). The body uses iron to produce a protein found in red blood cells. This protein assists the cells in carrying oxygen throughout the body. When someone suffers from iron deficiency anemia, there is a lack of viable red blood cells, and oxygen isn't transport...